So, yesterday i was at the Gustavsbergs badet - ''badhus'' with le friend. And by that i mean with my childhood bestie.
We had a fun time, but to be honest that place is starting to get a bit boring. The only thing you do is swim.
''You don't say Katta, det är ett badhus Einstein, duuuuuurhh''
Jaja... whatever i got SWAG.
Anyways. Besides all the fun stuff that is happening in my life, i have alot on my mind.
I am starting to become a ''don't give a fuck'' person, which in some ways is very positive. And for you guys who check out my tumblr once in a while, you are going to see the real me come out. And now you are propably thinking ''Is that bitch faking it here?''
No, no i am not. But i find it easier to express myself there rather than here. And i know that i can use my tumblr as a blog. But i wan't to keep those things separate. And i am not a very open person [anymore]. I have learned by my latest mistakes. To never EVER trust anyone besides yourself or your pet. Because animals are the best!